The Well Tempered Timpani gives a technical, but really interesting overview of the acoustic properties of timpani.
Contrary to wind and string instruments (and the voice), resonating membranes do not have a harmonic overtone series. In addition, the fundamental is not very resonant or pleasant-sounding. This is caused by the acoustic properties of a membrane: rather than vibrating in just one direction, a membrane can vibrate in various modes simultaneously. Most of these modes are non-harmonic.
Still, it's possible to get pitch and near-harmonic overtones from a timpano. This is possible mainly due to air loading: columns of air above and below the air that make the membrane act almost as if it's a single vibrating system. This has been the subject of various studies, some of which are discussed in this article.
Canyons compilation benefits LA Firefighters
Canyons compilation Sequenza 21 friend Nick Norton has speedily put
together a digital compilation called “Canyons” to benefit LA firefighters.
It is a l...
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